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Ireland Study Abroad

I spent the summer of 2016 abroad in Northern Ireland. Here, I had the privilege of studying communication conflict and culture in the context of the Irish Civil War. To learn more about the rhetorical theories on conflict I developed, read more here

PR Campaigns

The Communication Studies program at JMU combines traditional education and real-world experience. In addition to conducting my own research, I also had the opportunity to conduct a mock PR campaign for a hypothetical client. A copy of my team's background analysis portion of the project can be viewed here

My Research

Spring Semester 2016- my research team and I conducted a survey studying jealousy expression and relational satisfaction. Our final paper is currently up for the Madison Writing Award. Read the full report here

My First Cover Story

As an intern at JD Communications, I was entrusted with writing the cover story for IFDANE magazine featuring our client, Mitchell Gold + Bob Williams. To check out the article, click here

(starting on page 48). 

Student Ambassadors

Sophomore to Senior year I served as a student ambassador at JMU. I had the privilege of giving tours to prospective students, serving on several committees to serve admissions and the organization, and volunteer with local organizations. 

First Year Orientation Guide

JMU's 1787 August Orientation is a week-long program unique to our university. As a "FROG" I guided 28 first year students through orientation and helped them acclimate to JMU during their first year. 

Relay for Life

Relay for Life has been at the cornerstone of spring for me since Freshman year in high school. I've transitioned from participant, to leading fundraiser, to team coordinator over that time. My involvement has grown my college team's participation by over 25%.

*For more experience please reference my resume or contact me for more information. 

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